Introduction To DatabaseManagementSystem

A database consists of four elements as given

  1. Data

  2. Relationship

  3. Schema

  4. Constraints

Introduction To DatabaseManagementSystem


  • Data are binary computer representations of stored logical entities.
  • Software is divided into two general categories-data and programs
  • A program is a collection of instruction for manipulating data
  • Data exist is various forms- as numbers tents on pieces of paper,as bits and bytes stored in electronic memory or as facts stored in a persons mind


  • Relationships explain the correspondence between various data elements


  • Are predicates that define correct database states


  • Schema describes the organization of data and relationships within the database
  • Schema defines various views of the database for the use of various system components of the database management system and for the application’s security
  • A schema separates physical aspects of data storage form the logical aspects of data representation
  • In database management systems data files are the files that store the database information whereas offer files, such as index files and data dictionaries, store administrative information known as metadata.

  • Data base are organized by fields, records and files.
  1. Fields: is a single piece of information.

  2. Record: is one complete set of fields.

  3. File: is a collection of records

Types of schema

  1. Internal schema: defines how and where the data are
    organized in physical data storage.

  2. Conceptual schema: defines the stored data structures in
    terms of the database model used.

  3. External schema: defines a view (or) views of the database
    for particular uses


Template by - Mathew | Mux99